About Don’t Let it Loose
Since 2012, Don't Let it Loose has been working to provide responsible rehoming information to pet owners who, for one reason or another, need to find another home for their pet.
Our Team
Don’t Let it Loose is managed by Invasive Species Action Network with support from the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service.
If you are interested n partnering with Don’t Let it Loose or have questions about the program, please contact info@stopais.org.
Don't Let it Loose™ Milestones
Curious about how this program looked like when it started? You can see the evolution of Don’t Let it Loose™ here, in a printable resource.
Zen Habitats
Please support our Don’t Let it Loose partners, like Zen Habitats, who want to help you become the best pet owner you can be so that everyone is happy!