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Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership

If you're wanting to purchase or adopt a new pet, use these resources to help you find out if the pet you want is prohibited or controlled (i.e., requires a permit) in your state. And don't forget to do some research on the pet you want. Many pets are expensive, time consuming, and can live for a long time. Be prepared to properly care for your pet for its entire lifetime.

Arizona prohibited and controlled species info

Arizona Administrative Code R12-4-406 (12-04.pdf ( covers restrictive live wildlife in the state. The section includes a comprehensive list of animals prohibited from being kept in the state as pets. Some of the restricted exotic wildlife included in the list are: 

    • Lions, tigers, jaguars and other large cats 
    • Poisonous snakes and many other types of wild snakes 
    • Chimpanzees, spider monkeys, orangutans, macaques, gorillas, and other primates 
    • All non-domesticated canines, including coyotes and wolves 
    • Caimans, crocodiles, alligators, and other members of the Crocodilia family 
    • Gila monsters 
    • Many types of turtles, toads, and frogs that are typically found in the wild 
    • Bears, weasels, skunks, raccoons, and foxes 
    • Many species of fish and aquatic life 
    • Many types of birds 
    • Sloths, armadillos, and anteaters 

The Arizona Department of Agriculture also has a list of restricted plant species (3-04.pdf), including Noxious Weeds. No Class A, B, or C Noxious Weed, or commodity infested or contaminated with a Class A, B, or C Noxious Weed, shall be admitted into the state unless otherwise authorized by the Associate Director. Some of the Noxious Weeds in Arizona include: 

    • Canada thistle 
    • Floating water hyacinth 
    • Hydrilla 
    • Leafy spurge 
    • Purple loosestrife 
    • Rush skeletonweed 
    • Spotted knapweed 
    • Wild mustard 
    • Dalmation toadflax 
    • Russian knapweed 
    • Russian olive 
    • Cheat grass 
    • Salt cedar 

For a full list of Noxious Weeds see Noxious Weeds | Arizona Department of Agriculture 

AZGFD Director’s Order 1: Listing of AIS for AZ (present and not present). These are also prohibited to possess (see full list at AZGFD Directors Orders). Some are already in the Restricted live wildlife and restricted plant species lists as well. Some of these species include: 

    • Apple snail 
    • Asian, bighead, black, and silver carp 
    • Golden mussel, quagga mussel, and zebra mussel 
    • New Zealand mudsnail 
    • Red claw, and rusty crayfish 
    • Spiny, and fishhook waterflea 
    • Didymo (rock snot) 
    • Hydrilla 
    • Water hyacinth 

Now, keep in mind, just because an animal is legal to own in the state, it doesn’t mean the city you live in allows it. Many local cities and counties have their own restrictions on which animals are legal to keep, and which are not. Consider checking with your local city and/or county for their regulations regarding what pets you can and can’t own. It is your responsibility to comply with all local laws, ordinances and covenants before importing or possessing live wildlife.