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Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership

If you're wanting to purchase or adopt a new pet, use these resources to help you find out if the pet you want is prohibited or controlled (i.e., requires a permit) in your state. And don't forget to do some research on the pet you want. Many pets are expensive, time consuming, and can live for a long time. Be prepared to properly care for your pet for its entire lifetime.

California prohibited and controlled species info

It is unlawful to import, transport, or possess live animals restricted in the list below except under permit issued by the department. Permits may be issued by the department as specified herein and for purposes designated in Section 671.1 subject to the conditions and restrictions designated by the department. The commission has determined the below listed animals are not normally domesticated in this state. 

Some of the restricted species include: 

  • Restricted Birds 
    • Cuckoos 
    • Crows, Ravens 
    • European blackbird 
    • Falcons, Eagles, Hawks, Vultures 
    • Owls 
    • Monk or Quaker parakeet 
    • Mute Swan 
  • Restricted Mammals 
    • Monkeys, Apes 
    • Armadillos 
    • Sloths 
    • Anteaters 
    • Marsupials or Pouched Animals 
    • Shrews, Moles, Hedgehogs, etc. 
    • Gliding Lemurs 
    • Bats; all species 
    • Spiny Anteaters, Platypuses 
    • Aardvarks 
    • Elephants 
  • Restricted Amphibians 
    • Clawed frogs 
    • Nonnative tiger salamanders 
    • Restricted Jawless Fishes 
    • Lampreys, all nonnative species 
  • Restricted Bony Fishes 
    • White perch 
    • White bass 
    • Piranhas 
    • Tiger fish 
    • Snakeheads 
    • Silver carp, Bighead carp, Largescale Silver carp, Black carp 
    • Banded Tilapia, Redbelly tilapia, Blue tilapia, Nile tilapia 
  • Restricted Cartilaginous Fishes 
    • Freshwater sharks 
    • River stingrays 
  • Restricted Reptiles 
    • Crocodiles, Caimans, Alligators and Gavials 
    • Snapping Turtles 
    • Cobras, Coral Snakes, Mambas, Kraits, etc. 
    • Adders and Vipers 
    • Pitvipers, all nonnnative species 
  • Restricted Crustaceans 
    • Crayfish, except Procambarus clarkii and Orconectes virilis 
  • Restricted Slugs, Snails 
    • New Zealand mudsnail 
    • Channel Apple Snail
  • Restricted Bivalves 
    • Zebra and quagga mussels 

Now, keep in mind, just because an animal is legal to own in the state, it doesn’t mean the city you live in allows it. Many local cities and counties have their own restrictions on which animals are legal to keep, and which are not. Consider checking with your local city and/or county for their regulations regarding what pets you can and can’t own. It is your responsibility to comply with all local laws, ordinances and covenants before importing or possessing live wildlife. 

For more information and a complete, up-to-date list of prohibited species, please see the link below. 

View Document – California Code of Regulations