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Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership

If you're wanting to purchase or adopt a new pet, use these resources to help you find out if the pet you want is prohibited or controlled (i.e., requires a permit) in your state. And don't forget to do some research on the pet you want. Many pets are expensive, time consuming, and can live for a long time. Be prepared to properly care for your pet for its entire lifetime.

North Dakota prohibited and controlled species info

In North Dakota, non-domestic animals are classified into three categories of Non-Traditional Livestock. 

Category 1 animals are those species generally considered domestic, or other species that are not inherently dangerous, that do not pose a health risk to humans, domestic or wild species, and do not pose a hazard to the environment as determined by the board. Category 1 includes turkeys, geese and ducks morphologically distinguishable from wild turkeys, geese, and ducks, pigeons, mules, donkeys, asses, ratites, chinchilla, Guinea fowl, ferrets, ranch foxes, ranch mink, peafowl, all pheasants, quail, chukar, hedgehog, and degus.  Category 1 species do not require nontraditional livestock licensure but must otherwise comply with laws and rules of the board. Owners of pheasants, quail, and chukar are required to obtain a Permit to Possess, Propagate, or Domesticate (PPD) according to North Dakota Game and Fish Department regulations.  The PPD permit is issued through the Animal Health Division of the North Dakota Department of Agriculture. 

Category 2 animals are certain protected species or those species that may pose health risks to humans or animals or may be environmentally hazardous as determined by the board.  Category 2 includes all nondomestic ungulates, including all deer and pronghorn, nondomestic cats not listed in category 3, waterfowl, shorebirds, upland game birds not listed in category 1, crows, wolverines, otters, martens, fishers, kit or swift foxes, badgers, coyotes, mink, red and gray fox, muskrats, beavers, weasels, opossums, prairie dogs, and other ground squirrels.  Owners of category 2 species must maintain nontraditional livestock licensure.  A Permit to Possess, Propagate, or Domesticate from the North Dakota Game and Fish Department is required for some category 2 species. 

Category 3 animals are those species determined by the board to pose special concerns, including species which are inherently dangerous or environmentally hazardous.  Owners of category 3 species must maintain nontraditional livestock licensure and are subject to additional housing and care requirements.  A Permit to Possess, Propagate, or Domesticate from the North Dakota Game and Fish Department is required for some category 3 species.  Category 3 includes the following species and their hybrids: 

    • Wild species of the family suidae (any swine not considered domestic in North Dakota by the board) 
    • Big cats, including mountain lion, jaguar, leopard, lion, tiger, and cheetah 
    • Bears 
    • Wolves and wolf-hybrids (any animal that is part wolf) 
    • Venomous reptiles 
    • Primates 
    • Non-domestic sheep and their hybrids and non-domestic goats and their hybrids   

Lastly, ownership of raccoons and skunks is prohibited.  A person may not keep a skunk or raccoon in captivity.  This does not apply to a zoo licensed by the Animal Care program of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service or the United States Department of Agriculture.  Any animal kept in violation must be confiscated and disposed of.  

The board may prohibit ownership of any animal deemed to be a significant threat to human or animal health in North Dakota. 

Also, keep in mind, just because an animal is legal to own in the state, it doesn’t mean the city you live in allows it. Check with your local authorities. 

For more information on terrestrial prohibited species and non-traditional livestock, please visit: Non-Traditional Livestock | North Dakota Department of Agriculture ( 

Additionally, there are several aquatic species that are prohibited to possess in the state of North Dakota. The list also includes any hybrids or varieties of the prohibited species. Some of these species include: 

    • ANS plants 
    • Curly leaf pondweed 
    • Eurasian watermilfoil 
    • Flowering rush 
    • Didymo or rock snot 
    • ANS fish 
    • Northern, blotched, bullseye, and giant snakehead 
    • Silver, bighead, black, grass, and common carp 
    • Round, and tubenose goby 
    • Eurasian ruffle 
    • ANS mollusks 
    • Chinese, and banded mysterysnail 
    • Golden clam 
    • Zebra and quagga mussel 
    • New Zealand mudsnail 
    • ANS invertebrates 
    • Red swamp, and rusty crayfish 
    • Fishhook, and spiny waterflea 
    • Scud  

The North Dakota ANS list will be reviewed annually, and adjustments will be made as deemed necessary. So, for a complete and up-to-date list of prohibited aquatic species, please visit ANS Species List | North Dakota Game and Fish