If you're wanting to purchase or adopt a new pet, use these resources to help you find out if the pet you want is prohibited or controlled (i.e., requires a permit) in your state. And don't forget to do some research on the pet you want. Many pets are expensive, time consuming, and can live for a long time. Be prepared to properly care for your pet for its entire lifetime.
Oklahoma prohibited and controlled species info
Regarding terrestrial species, several species do require a license from the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation to own. For venomous snakes, the individual must obtain a commercial breeders license before obtaining the organism. For any native wildlife species, they must be purchased from a legal commercial breeder and then obtain a noncommercial breeder license prior to obtaining the organism. Any native terrestrial wildlife taken from the wild is not allowed to be kept as a pet. All of these license applications should be on the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Other Permits & Licenses | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
Now, keep in mind, just because an animal is legal to own in the state, it doesn’t mean the city you live in allows it. Many local cities and counties have their own restrictions on which animals are legal to keep, and which are not. Consider checking with your local city and/or county for their regulations regarding what pets you can and can’t own. It is your responsibility to comply with all local laws, ordinances and covenants before importing or possessing live wildlife.